Friday 10 January 2014

Back on Scope's raspberry

Been saving some of Scopes Raspberry juice for a while now, just to make it through the post Xmas blues as a fellow pit-member called it. But today I caved in, filled the last of it in a 15ml needle-tip bottle and re-coiled the mega, and my god this juice is good. Getting back to an old favorite juice after a period of testing different stuff is one of the best things of vaping. Scope, you're a genius, now I'm looking forward to the day one of my atties are free for a run of blueberry again :)

(Scope I hope you don't mind me stealing your avatar as an illustration photo for this post... it's so cute.)


  1. Thanks to this review I jumped on the band wagon and got myself a nice pack of various Scopes. And I was not disappointed! Being a clearomizer-girl going into rebuilding, I can see why people choose Scopes, my first build with a microcoil and cotton tastes fabulous with his stuff!

  2. After reading your review on this juice I want to try it. My friend recommended me Raspberry Ketone Juice for good health. He says it is hell of a juice. Thank you for reviewing.


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